Interface Searches

public interface Searches
Public API for executing searches
Yoav Landman
  • Method Details

    • artifactsByName

      List<RepoPath> artifactsByName(String query, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts by name
      query - The search query term for the artifact name
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories
      Artifacts found by the search, empty list if nothing was found
    • itemsByProperties

      List<RepoPath> itemsByProperties(<String,String> properties, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts by properties
      properties - A set of key-value properties to search for on artifacts or folders. All specified properties need to exist on found items. If multiple values are used a contains() semantic is applied
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories.
      Artifacts matching the criteria
    • archiveEntriesByName

      List<RepoPath> archiveEntriesByName(String query, String... repositories)
      Search the content of jar/zip archives
      query - The search term for the archive of the entry
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories.
      List of zip resources repo path matching the criteria
    • artifactsByGavc

      List<RepoPath> artifactsByGavc(@Nullable String groupId, @Nullable String artifactId, @Nullable String version, @Nullable String classifier, String... repositories)
    • artifactsBySha1

      Set<RepoPath> artifactsBySha1(String sha1, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts by their checksum values
      sha1 - The sha1 checksum of the artifact
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories
      Set of repo paths that comply with the given checksums
    • artifactsBySha256

      Set<RepoPath> artifactsBySha256(String sha256, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts by their checksum values
      sha256 - The sha256 checksum of the artifact
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories
      Set of repo paths that comply with the given checksums
    • artifactsCreatedOrModifiedInRange

      List<RepoPath> artifactsCreatedOrModifiedInRange(@Nullable Calendar from, @Nullable Calendar to, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts created or modified within a date range
      from - The time to start the search exclusive (eg, >). If empty will start from 1st Jan 1970
      to - The time to end search inclusive (eg, <=), If null, will not use current time as the limit
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories.
      List of file repo paths that were created or modified between the input time range and the date the file was modified.
    • artifactsNotDownloadedSince

      List<RepoPath> artifactsNotDownloadedSince(@Nullable Calendar since, @Nullable Calendar createdBefore, String... repositories)
      Find artifacts not downloaded since the specified date, searches for both locally and remotely downloaded stats, using smart remote repository stats where applicable.
      since - The time to start the search exclusive (eg, >). If null will start from 1st Jan 1970
      createdBefore - Only include artifacts created before the specified time. If null will default to the value of since.
      repositories - A list of repositories to search in. Can be null to search all repositories
      List of file repo paths that were not downloaded since the specified date
    • buildsByArtifactSha1

      Set<BuildRun> buildsByArtifactSha1(String sha1)
      Find all build runs that produced the artifact with the provided sha1 checksum
      sha1 - The sha1 checksum of the build dependency to search
      A list of BuildRuns (may be empty)
    • buildsByArtifactSha1

      Set<BuildRun> buildsByArtifactSha1(String sha1, @Nonnull String buildRepo)
      Find all build runs that produced the artifact with the provided sha1 checksum
      sha1 - The sha1 checksum of the build dependency to search
      buildRepo - The build info repository
      A list of BuildRuns (may be empty)
    • buildsByDependencySha1

      Set<BuildRun> buildsByDependencySha1(String sha1)
      Find all build runs that used a dependency with the provided sha1 checksum
      sha1 - The sha1 cheksum of the build dependency to search
      A list of BuildRuns (may be empty)
    • buildsByDependencySha1

      Set<BuildRun> buildsByDependencySha1(String sha1, @Nonnull String buildRepo)
      Find all build runs that used a dependency with the provided sha1 checksum
      sha1 - The sha1 cheksum of the build dependency to search
      buildRepo - The build info repository
      A list of BuildRuns (may be empty)
    • aql

      void aql(String aqlQuery, AqlResultHandler handler)
      Perform a search using Artifactory Query Language (AQL). This can be used to stream AQL results from Artifactory as map objects. This method accepts a String param with the AQL query, and an AqlResultHandler object (can be a closure).

      Usage example 1:

       String aqlQuery = "items.find..."
       searches.aql(aqlQuery) { AqlResult result ->
            result.each { Map item ->
                String itemPath = item.path + "/" +
                //do something
      Usage example 2:
       AqlResultHandler handler = new AqlResultHandler() {
            void handle(AqlResult result) {
                for (Map<String, Object> item : result) {
                    String name =
                    //do something
       searches.aql(aqlQuery, handler)

      aqlQuery - The AQL query to perform
      handler - The handler (can be a closure)